April 30, 2020
The AIAA Northern Ohio Section (NOS) is committed to supporting the northern Ohio community by engaging and motivating the next generation of scientists and engineers. While the current situation regarding COVID-19 has limited our social, work, and educational activities, there is still so much that we can do to enhance our learning, inspire and teach each other, have some fun, and socially express our enthusiasm for STEM. To that end, AIAA NOS has compiled several projects for students to do from home that will stimulate their minds and spark their interest in aerospace.
While the biggest prize is the reward of knowledge and fun that each participant will receive, the AIAA NOS section is offering some monetary awards to students who tweet a video response to @AIAANorthernOH on Twitter demonstrating their successful project by June 30th, 2020, as follows:
The NOS Twitter is: twitter.com/AIAANorthernOH
Educators are encouraged to share this material with their students, their student’s parents/guardians, and other educators. You may consider working some of these projects into your virtual curriculum, supplying them to your students as supplemental learning materials, or using them as an extra credit opportunity. For parents/guardians, this may be a good way to stimulate your child’s mind and have some fun. You are encouraged to tailor/expand upon the activities provided here to make them less/more challenging and students are encouraged to improve their designs/solutions. In addition, you are encouraged to look for other activities that will stimulate the student’s appreciation of engineering and science.
For questions contact the AIAA NOS STEM chair, Jonathan Kratz (aiaanos.stem@gmail.com).
We hope you enjoy the projects and learn something along the way.
Jonathan Kratz on behalf of the AIAA NOS council